• Posted by GKLINE on August 14, 2009 at 8:41 pm

    Just wanted to start a thread on “The Rest of Our Lives” It has been ine year since I became cancer free and I am so happy about it. Even though I have some lingering problems, I AM ALIVE!!! But life goes on and getting past 50 ain’t for sissies! to say the least.

    So, the next thing for me is an brand new hip. I cannot help but look forward to getting this done. But, there are a few things that feel awkward. Last night I attended a Class on “how to handle surgery, anesthesia, pain meds, therapy, etc, etc. WOW! was I blown away! They have classed on this stuff! They gently tell you how things are going to happen. They tell you everything is going to be all right! They serve coffee and tea and donuts! They try to calm your fears and show you a nice room with a FREAKIN View!:laugh:

    As my wife sat through the class we felt like veterens in a room full of rookies. They scribbled notes, asked questions, worried if they could take the pain, and generally had a nice person to person experience. My wif and I wondered why this was so nice compared to the cancer experience. They even said We were NOT sick (well maybe in the head) They used the word cure.

    As you can tell, This real class was reported by me to you with my tongue firmly in cheek. But on a serious side. My life is going on again. As all of yours are going to do. At first every ache and pain was a great shock and worry that this was RELATED! But this hip thing is NOT related and I will see this thing through. But cancer has given me a new view of life…. We ca n look anything in the eye and never blink again. Surviving ain’t for sissies.B) B) B) B)

    Just my thought for a Friday

    Light a man a fire and he is warm for an evening.
    Light a man ON fire and he’s warm forever.

    08/08/08…RC neo bladder
    09/09/09…New Hip
    New Man! [/size]

    GKLINE replied 15 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • gkline's avatar


    August 17, 2009 at 2:19 pm

    Thanks to you all. I just wnated to pass on how cuddly things are for ELECTIVE surgery. This was really an eye opener. I also was sent home from my RC with a few plastic bags and a “have a nice life”.

    I know this sounds strange to say but I am actually “looking forward” to this procedure. I cannot say anything but good about the hospital staff when I was there for the RC, but, there was very little in the way of follow up. Although I was very happy that one of the doctors staff connected me with this site. I must say, this is a damn good bunch of people to have on your side.

    I know some of you may find this hard to believe, but, I haven’t made a secret out of my cancer around my home town. I have had a few friends quietly talk to me about their bladder and prostate cancers and they seem to have the same story. There is no support system after surgery if everything seems to be ok. They just get sent home and recover and wait for that 3 month check up. Even very intelligent people get a little depressed without a support system. I direct them here, so they can have the support of like minded survivors.
    Thanks to all of us for this support site. It gives me reason to be positive.

    Light a man a fire and he is warm for an evening.
    Light a man ON fire and he’s warm forever.

    08/08/08…RC neo bladder
    09/09/09…New Hip
    New Man! [/size]

  • melodie's avatar


    August 17, 2009 at 12:41 am


    You will do fine with the hip surgery… experienced warrior as you are and with such a good attitude. Since many of us are over 50, there will always be something else other than our bladders that need attention. :ohmy: I’m fairly certain that for me it will be my knees but hoping that is another 5 or 10 years down the line.

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • melodie's avatar


    August 17, 2009 at 12:32 am


    Your description sounds somewhat like a class a friend of mine attended a few months back…he was going in for bi-pass surgery. I guess when there is a room full of patients, they are able to give a class and share information in a non-threathening way. I have to wonder why they can’t do something similiar for BC patients???? Wouldn’t it be nice. :) Also, he was provided with paperwork telling him what to expect following the surgery and how best to care for himself. I don’t know about other RC patients, but I was sent home with a one and a half sheet of paper with miinimal instructions on how to catherize and care for my new bladder. Thank goodness I had this site to return to and Pat’s phone number. :) :) :) :) :) :)

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • webs's avatar


    August 16, 2009 at 3:07 am

    All right George! Love your positive attitude. They will have you up and walking the same day.

    Class sounded fun.:P :silly: :woohoo: Donuts to I love it.


  • StarraeAday1's avatar


    August 15, 2009 at 10:23 pm

    Hi George,

    You have reason to rejoice. I so much want to feel like you a year from now. You give me hope.


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