Thanksgiving ,, THIS SUNDAY!!!
Hello Caregivers,
I had what I think is a wonderful idea. This Sunday I asked if the kids would come over with all the little monsters. (little monsters, Karlie 4, Carter 2, Ryan 6, Kenzie 12, and Tyler 16, and my step granddaughter Kimmie 18,)
Its going to be THANKSGIVING,,, and why not,, we can eat out in the yard and have a final swim before school starts. Here in Ohio we start later than most. I think Sept, is time enough for the little ones..this what I love to do most, have time together as a family and have no particular reason.And besides, we can pray for what we have been given, and pray for those less fortuneate than us with b/c..hoping things will get better each day for them.
So I am off on Friday to get the BIRD, and all the fixins. I am sure Stephany has a good stuffing receipe, or any other donations would be great!!
Bread pudding, stuffing, cole slaw, cranberries, WHAT A FEAST!!!!