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  • Tell me to chill out

    Posted by julieann on February 11, 2008 at 12:37 am

    This morning, Mama went to church and she teaches a class. She was out of sorts, stumbling over her words etc. She never mentioned feeling bad but came home and went to bed. She said she had a horrible headache. We were having my nephew’s bday party at her house today and she insisted we still all came . She stayed in bed all day which is not like her. Now, I know that everytime she has a headache, we can’t flip out. It is just odd. She did not have fever but can’t get warm. Her blood pressure is fine. Now….tell me to chill out!!!

    julieann replied 16 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Julieann's avatar


    February 12, 2008 at 12:54 am

    Thanks for all your replies. She says she is better today. You’re right about planning gatherings elsewhere. We just hadn’t gotten there yet I guess. You’re also right about the flu. It is hard not to have the cancer in the back of our minds everytime she sneezes! :) As you know, she is still deciding whether to go ahead with chemo. I asked her if she thought this was stress related. She insisted not, but sometimes we don’t even realize the stress we’re under but our bodies do. For now, I am going to decide this was just a bad day and worry too much about it. Once again….you’re my lifesavers!

  • 's avatar

    February 11, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    Juliann, I may have to eat my words now!!!! kARENS RIGHT,, SOMETIMES WHEN I KNOW ALL THE LITTLE MONSTERS ARE COMING i HAVE NO EXCUSE TO RETREAT TO MY BEDROOM, NO HEADACHE OR ANYTHING, BUT MOM MAY JUST BE NOT UP TO IT, BUT SHE WON’T SAY NO AS MOMS NEVER THINK OF THEMSELVES, And the age is now a factor, at 62 I don’t always have the frame of mind I use to at the drop of a hat, its hard for me to understand that but its a fact that as we age our patience is tested, we have to acknowledge our age and be happy with just knowing we don’t always have to perform as we did, especially if we aren’t feeling well….since my husband was having so much going on over the summer and fall my children saw the strain it was putting on me and him,what they did was change things a little, have family gatherings but recommended other places for the gathering. Or change it to another date. I never thought I would say no to a family gathering but this summer I had to accept I wasn’t up for it. THAT WAS HARD,,,once I did recognize it I was better, it took a load off. hope this helps, take care, I hope mom is better!! GINGER

  • momof4's avatar


    February 11, 2008 at 3:16 pm


    I would make a call to the oncologist. See what they have to say. Sometimes it is overwhelming for my husband when there is a family gathering, I am not saying this is the case…He sometimes retreats to the bedroom, saying he has a headache, I think that if your mother is not already on them, talk to the Dr. about antidepressants. My husband has told me many times that when he is having a panic-like attack, or is just “Thinking” too much it feels like someone just poured a cooler of anxiety over him. It literally washes over him. The only thing that helps is the antidepressants, and closing himself in the room under the covers until it passes. Just a thought…???


    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

  • aimeth's avatar


    February 11, 2008 at 12:23 pm


    As others have posted it is very hard to figure out what is happening and you can’t help it but worry and wonder what you should do. My husband gets the chills and fevers all the time. At first we would get scared and run to the hospital but as time has gone by we have learn to deal with it and treated (Tylenol, cold packs). But it is still a stressful situation. Call her oncologist and let them know what is going on maybe they can give you insights or have her come in for a quick blood check. Good luck! Aimeth

  • 's avatar

    February 11, 2008 at 4:27 am

    I think its worth checking out as well, but it could be the flu, its running rampid here in Ohio. Stress to can cause alot of things, she just may be having a bad day..check her out in the morning, ask her to see her Doctor, just in case and to make all feel better. That would be a good idea, the stumbling over her words bothers me a little. Ginger

    Ps MY HUSBAND IS ON PLAVIX AND LOPRESSOR, FOR HEART STUFF, AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, he is always cold, and its 2 degrees here right now so we are under the blankets!!!

  • julie's avatar


    February 11, 2008 at 2:32 am

    It is difficult to know what is going on when people complain of a headache and feeling cold. Sometimes feeling chilled precedes a fever. My husband feels cold all the time because he is severely anemic and it is difficult to tell the difference between him feeling cold and when he gets chills. When he is sick he has alternating chills and fevers.
    I don’t know where you live but here in Arizona influenza is occurring even when people have had their flu shots. We decided to avoid crowds to try and prevent exposure to all the viruses that are going around. Not everything is related to cancer but cancer makes a person more susceptible to whatever is going around.

    I don’t know about chilling out but stay calm and if you are concerned check with her primary care physician.

    Volunteer Coordinator
  • mssmr's avatar


    February 11, 2008 at 2:02 am

    Julieann — One hard thing about there being a family member with cancer is that it is difficult to discern whether symptoms represent something to do with the cancer or miscellaneous ailments (either minor or less so). My thought is that it seems reasonable to get a severe headache with chills checked out. I know that can be
    scary and sometimes inconvenient. I did go to the emergency room at 2 AM with chest pains once in the past month — to rule out a heart attack. We did rule that out and I’ve been fortunate that the symptoms have not recurred. Of course, it is
    up to your mama what she wants to do and I am not a doctor or anyone who can give another person medical help.

    I do feel your concern and know you love your mama a lot from all you’ve told us.
    Please keep in touch with us.

    Susan (mssmr)

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