Taking a Break
Hi All, I think it’s time for me to take a little break from the forum. Life is complicated – sometimes sweet, sometimes awful – and either way can take an enormous amout of your energy. My baby daughter is engaged to be married next February – there’s lots to be done. My twin and I are celebrating our 60th birthday in July and combining that into a big bash including my other daughter’s 30th birthday, and his grand daughter’s first birthday. I have lots of cookies to bake. And then back to the engagement – there’s a party for that this summer. Meanwhile, my wife’s mother died after a long battle with metastatic breast cancer on my son’s 34th birthday while he was visiting us to celebrate. At least we all got to say good-bye. I wish I could say that my wife enjoyed a close loving relationship with her mother and a friendship as adults like I had with my mother, but it wasn’t so – and that makes the healing so much more difficult. Meanwhile, I have been left dealing with my step-father-in-law’s affairs because he is old, disabled, and has early dementia, and because my mother-in-law successfully alientated his own family from him. I look at the messages on the board to see if anyone would benefit from my input, and while I see lots of people providing the wonderful support you all provide for each other, I find my mind is elsewhere and I have little to offer. Should anyone want to talk to me or think someone needs my input, you can PM me and I will get the e-mail calling me to action. After all – I’m not going anywhere. I’m doing OK, but I need a little break.
TaG3 + CIS 12/2000. TURB + Mitomycin C (No BCG)
Urethral stricture, urethroplasty 10/2009
CIS 11/2010 treated with BCG. CIS 5/2012 treated with BCG/interferon
T1G3 1/2013. Radical Cystectomy 3/5/2013, No invasive cancer. CIS in right ureter.
Incontinent. AUS implant 2/2014. AUS explant 5/2014