I know all about the beets thing.
I had very dark urine a couple of times and I called my primary care Dr and he did a battery of tests and found some blood.
That started a chain of tests and a visit to my urologist. The beets added color but there was blood. So I am going to have the MRI and then we’ll do some more watching.
I guess the watchword is Verify and be watchful of anything unusual.
So the beets strikes terror into another victim………. Very interesting
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Light a man ON fire and he’s warm forever.
08/08/08…RC neo bladder
09/09/09…New Hip
New Man! [/size]
I called and he is out of office for the week again. She said it did not matter that I ate them that my urine showed blood and I need to have the surgery. Just hate to have another one 5 months later
You should notify your doctor asap!!! You do not want to undergo surgery if it is not necessary. BTW, I often find it better to call and ask to speak to his nurse…she is easier to make fast contact with and will convey the message to him.
I’ll bet you are not the first beet victim he has seen!!
Sara Anne
Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
BCG; BCG maintenance
Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
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