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stoma care
Posted by mamatrausch on February 1, 2011 at 9:48 pmI just went to see an infectious disease Dr in the quest to get to the bottom of my indiana pouch pain and spasms. He wants me to use gloves and alcohol wipes to clean my stoma area. I use baby wipes and just wash with antibacterial soap. So what do others do about stoma care??? IM CURIOUS……. Julie
PS Im North of chicago and we are having a BLIZZARD!!! 24-? inches of snow. But of course they dont cancel work tomarrow ARGGG!!!!
T1/G3-CIS 10-01-2010
10-27-2010-Indiana Pouchmamatrausch replied 14 years ago 7 Members · 11 Replies11 Replies-
thanks melodie and cynthia!
I know i always listen to what the Dr’s say and then make the best choice of action based on advise and common sense. This was one of those times it just reconfirmed that my stoma care was fine the way it was. ( he was an infectious disease Dr and you know how they like sterile things) I am looking into a latex allergy. Right now I am trying out silicone caths and NO POUCH PAIN wouldn’t that be crazy after all these months of so much inflammation, antibiotics and pain.
T1/G3-CIS 10-01-2010
10-27-2010-Indiana PouchI would agree, like Melodie I use baby wipes. Alcohol..not so much. What I have found when dealing with things related to my diversion is this. That someone may be a world renowned specialist in their own field and know nothing about the care and feeding of your diversion. He may not have realized that you would be using it so many times a day. That may not be the case but I would talk to your Urologist about it. When the flu season was upon us and they said that good old warm water and mild soap worked as well as antibacterial hand jell, you might ask him his opinion.
Cynthia Kinsella
T2 g3 CIS 8/04
Clinical Trial
Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
BCG 9/05-1-06
RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
Left Nephrectomy 1/09
President American Bladder Cancer SocietyJulie – you are a real trooper! All of this mess should be behind you by now but isn’t, but you will keep working toward full recovery, and I know your perseverance will pay off. I had never considered the idea of surgi-lube possibly carrying bacteria. And if good folks like Pat didn’t tell us, when or how would we in the BC community know? Isn’t the forum such a wonderful blessing in our lives? Thanks to Cynthia, Pat, and all others who have helped make it the wonderful educational tool it is.
Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. WrightPat thanks for the info I do use surgi lube packets and large tubes
How did you hear about recall? I guess I will have to callthe medical supply co (I used two different ones)Im looking for a catheter with large eyes that is NOT LATEX
Any ideas I know you use coloplast soft right????
PS how are you doing???? I was really scared for you. Blood clots are nothing to mess with I had a clot and heart attack at age 42 NO FUN!!!
T1/G3-CIS 10-01-2010
10-27-2010-Indiana PouchThanks for starting thread MamaT. I’m hairy so every few months must shave the adhesive area. (small electric Remington). I use the Hollister 7760 Universal Remover wipes. The contents say flammable so I’m guessing alcohol. Yes, it is a bit irritating but I follow it with anti-bacterial soap and warm water and sometimes with aloe baby wipes.
I’m 70, retired heat/air contractor. After 4 months of keymo ileal conduit (IC) surgery removed bladder & prostate May 2010GuestFebruary 3, 2011 at 3:38 amyep..i have latex allergy….both my caths…the Rob Nel and the Mentor(now Coloplast) are non-latex. Do you use surgi-lube?
only use Fuegera……they just recalled the other type…contained bacteria……..might be the culprit. Sucks right?
patthanks for the info on all your stoma care. It just confirms that how I take care of my stoma is FINE! Baby wipes and viva paper towels with warm water is all I use. Love the comment alcohol for drinking only (funny) Pat yes I cant wait to get the bill… But Im trying to get input on this pouch pain spasms and leaking
Has anyone here had a latex allergy from cathing??? It was something I thought of last night. I will use only silicone caths for the next few days and see. I have bad allergies to all tapes and adhesives so I just ude a panty liner over my stoma.
T1/G3-CIS 10-01-2010
10-27-2010-Indiana PouchI couldn’t agree more. Alcohol seems too harsh.
After my surgery, I had a great home nurse. When she would clean the incision she would use sterile pads and some of the saline that we use for irrigation. It never stung and my incision healed beautifully.
In the beginning, I used the same thing with my stoma. I very lightly patted it cleaned. It never burned and never had any infections of any sort on my skin. The only irritation I’ve had is from the tape I use but thats a separate subject.
Not sure if thats for you or not. Today, I primarily use plain warm water. But alcohol – other then in a cocktail, I would pass on.
I’ve been thinking about you alot and hoping things were much improved – maybe I will try to call you this weekend – I have been focused on finding a good home for the abandoned dog our family temporarily adopted – got that out of the way and can now do some catching up on other things. I cannot imagine using alcohol on such a delicate, special piece of human tissue. I object to that doctor’s instructions. I don’t even like to use gloves. I have only used the baby wipes and specifically NOT the ones with alcohol. I find the ones with no fragrance or with a little aloha vera. It’s difficult for me to imagine anyone with more senstive skin than I have but apparently your stoma has that reputation. Hugs.
Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. WrightHeaven forbid, they would cancel work. Then they would have to pay you for it.
Fortunately, I can work from home with a VPN when I choose. My company isn’t closed either.
Lee in Buffalo Grove
PS. Well anyway, the dog is happy running thru the snow :)
GuestFebruary 1, 2011 at 10:39 pmalcholol wipes……ouch…try that one time on the stoma..let me know the outcome.
i only wash with anti-bacterial soft soap..push container..just my hands…..open the catheter and surgi-lube 3 gm package and cath…i only wipe the stoma with a clean,soft Viva towel with only water and gently as i reacted to soaps..and i pat dry with another clean piece of Viva towel and put on a bandaid.
Wonder what that bill will come to?
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