Sorry to be off topic again.
I just wanted to mention that any hope for my post-TURB follow up is now even further on the back burner.
On the 24th of june i had a second breathing attack. I had arrived unconsciuos at the closest hospital able to take my level of care. After awaking on a BIPAP unit i was addmitted for 4 days. I had develoed pneumonia on top of my COPD caused by my years of smoking as well as level 4 CHF. They released me and i muddled by for a couple of weeks. I was unable to sleep the entire time due to anxiety from having had my 2 breathing episodes upon waking.
This fri i went in for the 2nd phaze of my sleep study. i had taken the first part months before and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. i had awaken 138 times during the nite from my throat closing. This test was on the CPAP machine to see how i handled it and also tto establish setting for a home unit.
I fell asleep with the unit on about 11pm. All was well. my vitals were perfect and I didnt awake once. At 230 i had to urinate(since my turb I have a need at least4 times per nite). When the mask came off I had another shut down. They gave me 4 puffs of albuterol and I was taking a breathing treatment by the time the crash team came up from the ER. I had to make don stairs unable to breath. There I took another breathing treatment and started to get my breath back. They admitted me and kept me over the weekend for observation. I was able to sleep like a baby the whole time. now rested I feel much stronger. im still scared to be at home. id hate to have my wife go thru another one of those! She was spared this last one.As i said previously, all I need is a simple cysto. If I could ind a dr to do it in the lab, I would be ok. The dr the VA has on tap will only do it in surgery and the odds of my getting clearance in the near future arent to good.
I just want to thank you all for your moral support. Ill post again when i get to where they will be able to do my follow up cysto.
As i had said the uine screens they did were both fully negative, One was done at the VA and the other by my new uro;ogist about a month apart.
Thaks all