• lilliang

    November 7, 2015 at 3:52 am

    Jess, I’m so sorry that you are having these issues. I know it’s scary, because most of us on this site have been where you are now. The sooner you get checked out and diagnosed, the better you’ll feel.

    I found this forum back in May when I was first diagnosed. The knowledge and support of the members here are both invaluable.

    My symptoms were very visible blood in my urine, some minor urgency when my bladder was full, and a need to really push to totally empty my bladder. After I was diagnosed with bladder cancer and the tumor was removed, the blood in my urine and the urgency went away, and I no longer struggled to fully empty my bladder. Your symptoms are similar to mine with the exception of pain – I had no physical discomfort; however, just because our symptoms are similar, it does not mean that your diagnosis will be the same as mine. I strongly urge you to go and get yourself checked out ASAP. If possible, go to an NCI center that specializes in bladder cancer.

    The waiting, wondering, and feeling lousy is the worst part.

    Take care and keep us posted.

    5/2015 4x2cm HG Ta Papillary TCC; 6 initial BCG followed by 3 sets of BCG maintenance. Ten scopes – all NED. Now at scope 1x year.
  • Jessb418

    November 6, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    Did you ever have problems urinating. I feel like I have to actually push to get urine out sometimes. Today has been an extremely hard day. Pain starting in lower back and then terrible pelvic pain. Has anyone had just terrible pelvic pain and back pain as a symptom?

  • Jessb418

    November 5, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    Thanks so much for responding. I def hope to get checked out asap. It’s hard to be patient when you think something is wrong with you…especially when so many things resemble bladder cancer.

  • wichobel

    November 4, 2015 at 4:22 am

    I understand what are you living. The urine incontinence and the urgency is probably because your bladder irritation, the presence of blood must be investigated. I had these symptoms before I was diagnosed with cancer. Then after the surgery turb they disappeared. When I finished my 9th BCG my symptoms began again, my doctor says that it is normal after the BCG, but I am no bleeding anymore. You must check your symptoms. My thoughts are with you

    Diagnosed 01/13/2015. T1G3
    1rst turb
    2nd turb 02 /2015
    6 BCG
    Now 15 BCG. NED. Waiting
  • Jessb418

    November 3, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    Did those diagnosed have urinary incontinence before? I find myself having to wear pads because urine will trickle and I won’t be able to feel it. I don’t urinate often and drink alot. When I do have to urinate it comes on urgently and I can not hold it. Anyone experience these things?

  • catherineh

    November 2, 2015 at 6:40 pm

    Hello Jessb… Welcome to our forum. Of course you are frightened… the thought of having bladder cancer is terrifying as most of us can attest. First, just try to take a deep breath. You’re not diagnosed yet.

    It is good that you are now going to a urologist. He/she most likely will schedule you for a procedure called a cystocopy which allows the doctor to insert a small, flexible camera into the bladder to examine the inside. They look for areas of redness, irritation, and if there are signs of bc, those will be obvious as well. Don’t be scared of the cysto… it is maybe mildly uncomfortable for a few seconds and lasts usually less than 5 minutes.

    If you have more specific questions or thoughts, please post them. Many of us have been where you are in worrying about unusual symptoms, so we understand the fear of the unknown. Also try to remember that IF it were to be bc, it is very treatable, especially in the earlier stages.

    Best wishes… Catherine

    TURBT 1/21/10 at age 55
    Dx: T2aN0M0 Primary Bladder Adenocarcinoma
    Partial Cystectomy 2/25/10
    Vanderbilt Medical Center
    Nashville, TN

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