Seeking tips for regaining urinary continence
Hello; I’m new to this forum and not entirely “legit” in that I had prostate cancer, not bladder cancer.
I’m fairly young, as prostate cancer patients go: 53 yrs old. My surgery was 10 days ago, in which my entire prostate was removed, along with all muscles used for urine retention, except the sphincter muscle in my penis. 3 days ago my catheter was removed and since then I’ve been very much like a leaky faucet.
I realize it will take time to regain control, but I hope to get advice on actions I can take to help restore it. I had thought that I would have the same sensations of bladder pressure that I had before, and that the difficulty would be in muscle control.
However, I have no sensation whatsoever of urine in my bladder. I was given Kegels exercises to practice — and I am keeping that up — but unless my life consists of one long-held Kegel, I will leak. It’s like I’ve trained as a goalie, but am expected to play blindfolded — not knowing when to block and am expected to do so.
Will I naturally begin to feel a full bladder sensation in time and can then work to combat urinating, or how is this done?
Thank you, Tim