Seeking out Doctors for RC
Dear Fellow Members,
How does one find a surgeon who does 25-35 RC per year and have been practicing your preferred RC for at least five years. At this point, I know which hospitals to focus on, but how can I find out ahead of time who to request?
My first urologist didn’t inform me about new technologies, such as blue light cystoscopy/TURBTs, and just scheduled me for a TURBT. I was told he did an excellent scraping job (and there was a lot of scraping!) when I received a second opinion and was informed about how blue light can help with the TURBT procedure. As a result of this, I am realizing I have a responsibility to myself to educate myself on the different options in treatments and the quality of surgeons available to me.
In other words, I wish to be an informed patient in the decision making process of my treatment. At the same time, I need to learn how to navigate through this process with knowledge, assertiveness, politeness, respectfulness, and cooperativeness.
I believe my wife and I are excellent at cooperating when it’s appropriate. Any suggestions on how to solicit alternatives from hospital doctors, nurses, and/or administrators, would help us out a lot.
Regards, Nelson.
Bladder Cancer – Non-Invasive 2019
High Grade – T1
2 TURBT – 2019
9 BCG Infusions – 2019
Ureter Tumor Discovered – 2021