Seeking input on diversion options
My husband will be starting pre-surgery chemo shortly followed by an RC probably in the fall sometime. The surgeon we saw presented the three diversion options but seems to really lean toward the ileal conduit; he doesn’t even do the Indiana pouch anymore as he feels there are too many post-surgery issues with it. He does think Bill is a good candidate for a neo bladder but we still got the impression he felt the IC would be his recommendation. We are going to get a second opinion, even though we think this doctor is very good, lots of experience, does a lot of these surgeries, etc.
I wonder if any of you (or actually, many of you) could give us some real life feedback on your actual experiences with the different types of diversion methods, so we can make a practical, hands-on type decision? One thing the doctor mentioned with the neo bladder that my husband is concerned about is the need to self-catheterize. That does not appeal to him at all, but that is based on his one and only time being catheterized, which was for his TURB and for a week thereafter, and it was extremely unpleasant. So any and all info you folks can provide on your experiences with the different options would be helpful — good and bad. We’re not excited to be on this road, but it’s the one we’re on so here we go.