Results of Repeated Transurethral Resection
From UroToday Results of Repeated Transurethral Resection for a Second Opinion in Patients Referred for Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: The Referral Cancer Center Experience and Review of the Literature – Abstract
The previous results and our experiences suggest that a second TUR is recommended to reduce the chance of residual tumor and staging error because of nonstandardized TUR in the patients referred to an academic or referral center for a second opinion, irrespective of previous tumor stage.
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Cynthia Kinsella
T2 g3 CIS 8/04
Clinical Trial
Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
BCG 9/05-1-06
RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
Left Nephrectomy 1/09
President American Bladder Cancer SocietySign In to reply.