Rescraping plus MMC vs. Rescraping plus Interferon, others?
Hi all:
This is my first post. I’m 59/Male, live in CT and got the news in early May 2008 that I had a T1G3 tumor. Had a TURBD. The doc that did the TURBD, who is well known and respected in these parts and is in a large urological surgury practice, says he got it all and wants me to start on the Lamm/SWOG BCG protocol.
But he (doc#1) did refer me to one of his practice partners who is a “Bladder” guy (vs. Doc#1 who acknowledges he is a kidney guy). Doc #2 recommends re-TURBD plus MMC. Both docs are board certified urological oncologists.
1. I am comfortable with Doc#2’s rec of re-doing the TURBT plus MMC because seems like lot to gain with little to lose. Thoughts by others faced with same choice appreciated.
2. I mostly read about MMC being the one-time chemo of choice with TURBT but also have seen in the cafe lots of discussion of Interferon and others. MMC seems to be the standard/most commonly used. Have not found articles or personal stories of comparisons or why choose MMC vs. something else. Again, thoughts appreciated.
3. I want to get an opinion outside this practice group. I have contacts in the oncology “business” and, limiting myself to referrals to NYC and within CT, have what sound like good referrals to Sloan, Yale and UConn. Insurance will cover Yale or U Conn but may not cover Sloan for a second opinion (something having to do with not within New England network). Have been told by docs that Boston centers are not known for bladder cancer. Not sure what kinds of things a second opinion (or maybe this is already the third opinion) gets me: BCG, or reTURBY+MMC then BCG, seems to be int’l consensus for T1G3. Am I missing something?
Thanks, A lurker no more (who thinks this is an incredible web site and resource), David
Male Dx T1G3 5/08 @ Age 59. TURBT 5/08; TURBT+40 mg MMC 6/08; BCG (6) 7/08-8/08; Cysto & TURBT 9/08; BCG Maint(3) 10/08, 3/09; 7/09; 11/09; 5/10; & 1/11. Clean cystos 2/09, 9/09, 3/10, & 10/10.