Red Spot
In June I had a resection for a very large bladder tumor which was biopsied to be low grade, low state (superficial, T1). I went in mid July for a second resection to make sure they got everything and another deep muscle biopsy which confirmed nothing there. Then a time for healing and a course of 6 weeks of BCG which went very smoothly. Earlier this week I went in for a scope. The urologist says the spot where the base of the tumor was removed is still red (about the size of a quarter). The rest of the bladder looks fine. I commented that is probably normal as the bladder is still healing. She said no it should be healed by now after 3 months. I am going in for another biopsy in 2 weeks. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this most likely a reoccurence? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.
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