After my first TURB (12/05), I had minimal bleeding, but it sure hurt to pee for at least 2 weeks :-X, and there was still some pain for a month… my doctor said it was because he did do a deep biopsy, since it was obvious the tumor had been there for a long time, it was so large. Imagine an open wound trying to heal in that atmosphere… gives me the chills remembering! My dogs, who like to visit with me while I’m in the bathroom ;D did NOT like me for the first 2 weeks, as for some reason, it felt much better to just YELL when I peed (if no one else was around)!
My first six month checkup is today; and I’m nervous! I read it all too, and know that most of the time, there is no worrying about Ta Grade 0-1 turning invasive; but you CAN have 2 different kinds of cancer, so I am always going to worry every six months. In the meantime, read all you can find here, follow recommendations on eliminating some things from your diet, etc. And keep the faith!
TaG1 12/05
3 recurrences
BCG started 9/09
What you describe sounds mighty familiar, people complain of blood and clots 2 or even 3 wks after a TUR. Healing takes a little time. Don’t panic though…It sounds as if the doctor did a deep biopsy, which is necessary in order to stage the tumor accurately.
Good chance all will be well by next follow up.
All the best,
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