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Recent POST-OP
Posted by alanjay on April 18, 2011 at 9:20 pmTo all of my friends,
I have been asked to start new thread due to my old post was on page 11. I am the same alanjay that got an ileal conduit 17 weeks ago. I have been doing better each day and even ventured to go to a family function yesterday. I have been very lucky in that I have had no leakage once my bag has been put on. It is still an annoyance to get up every 2 hours to empty my pouch because that is when I leak. It least I can Depend on Depends.
I would like to hear from all my old friends and my friends that I have yet to meet.Alan
alanjay replied 13 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 26 Replies -
26 Replies
you were perfectly clear to me. It worked just fine.
Alan -
When I told you to stretch the seal and put it on the widest part of the wafer, what I should have said is to put it on about the middle of the wafer. There is a pard part on the outside of the wafer, put it on the outer part of that. I hope this makes sense, sorry if I am confusing you.
Dx 4-28-08
pT3a no mo
Rc with Ileal Conduit on 6-09-08
2nd surgery on 6-27-09 for ureter leak
Renal failure on 7-01-09 nephy tube and then stent on 7-09-09
so far so goodHi:
I had rash and blister problem for month and the beginning of my clearing it up was from this list from Jimswife who had same problem with hubby’s skin. Hope it helps you like it did me. Herb†
Hi, Herb, glad that info has helped you some. I will list the tried and true method for a fellow “innie”. It is different than when you have the rosebud so here goes:
1. moisten the adhesive area around the the flange with plain water
2. gently pull the skin back from the adhesive area of the flange to
pull the flange from the skin will always cause raw area.
3. clean entire area each time you change everything with plain water. Clean it using 4×4 gauze pads. I use one that is moistened and then keep it to the side in case there is ANY urine leakage. This is done EVERY time flange is changed.
4. Use an adhesive remover wipe the best we’ve found are the Smith Nephew
5. dry skin and sprinkle with some powder and wipe off any excess, if the powder is on too thickly nothing sticks.
6. use a skin barrier wipe EACH time you change the flange. We use 2 allowing the wipe material to sort of dry between applications a quick count to 10 works fine. Again the Smith Nephew seem to work best for Jim.
7. apply the flange pressing down on the inner part for a few seconds maybe 15 seconds. Then apply bag.Herb, through lots of trial and error your fellow innie Jim has had the bags/flange last leakfree for upwards of 4 days. I think it would last longer but since once the Eakins sort of melts the risk of leaking increases. It seems the Eakins is a big part of his being leak free! Other brands do not seem to work as well. Hope all of this helps you out! That leaking is not funny at all and is always a challenge. I believe the “innies” have more of an issue with it since the urine flows right over the entire adhesive parts and loosens the whole thing. Let me know how it works for you! Please note: although no board code and smiley buttons are shown, they are still usable.
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jimswifePosts: 129
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Age 72 had radical 9/11/10 have conduit everything is fine, grateful to be a cancer survivor. Lost Dad and Brother to Cancer both in their 50’s.Hi
alanjayI am so happy that this works for you, it will get better with time. I don’t think it is any more frustrating than to go through all of the steps and then to have the wafer not stick. Glad I could help
Dx 4-28-08
pT3a no mo
Rc with Ileal Conduit on 6-09-08
2nd surgery on 6-27-09 for ureter leak
Renal failure on 7-01-09 nephy tube and then stent on 7-09-09
so far so goodDear Babsiebob,
I followed your instructions explicitly. It worked exactly perfectly 2 times so far. So your advice was a total success. It looks like my mistake was that I was showering with my ostomy pouch on and then using th adhesive remover and the barrier wipes without cleaning off the adhesive remover. The adhesive remover wore away the adhesive on the pouch. Now I remove the pouch then shower off. works great. THanks.
Hi alanjay
I just carefully peel off the wafer with the seal on. Then I use adhesive remover pad to take excess seal off, then I take a shower.
use skin barrier pad all around the place where the sticky part of wafer will go. I let it dry but I also wipe it dry with a gauze pad. I stretch the seal till it goes on the widest part of stickey part of wafer and press it to fit in and out. make sure you are dry and then apply it to your skin and press all around. attach bag and good luck. This has worked great for me, you will get better with time. Hope it works.
Barbara I hope you can understand what I have written, I don’t know any other way to explain it other than being there to show you. Lol
Dx 4-28-08
pT3a no mo
Rc with Ileal Conduit on 6-09-08
2nd surgery on 6-27-09 for ureter leak
Renal failure on 7-01-09 nephy tube and then stent on 7-09-09
so far so goodHELP!!!!
came up with new problem (I HATE PROBLEMS, BUT I HAVE A BIG ONE) I started changing my ostomy bags myself, I got rid of the visiting nurse. Problem is that now after 1 good replacement it is leaking constantly. I had to change 5 pouches in 2 days!.
Will someone please provide me with their process of changing their pouch in detail. Here is what I have been doing
1. used adhesive remover to take off old eakin
2. used adhesive remover to remove remnants on my skin
3. put eakin on new pouch
4. use barrier wipes liberally
5 allow to dry and drain any urine.
6. apply new pouchMy Stoma has become an inny, it is below the opening, if that matters. I called convatec for suggestions and their suggestion was to put the eakin on my skin. that lasted 12 hours before it leaked.
HELP!!! ANY SUGGESTIONSYour right Alan, I have seen the same pads at the big box pet stores for puppy training! If you start using them… be sure you move them as soon as you get up or they might get used by the dog!
5.24.10 Final staging T2G3 7.28.10 Started Gemcitabine, Cisplatin neoadjunctive chemotherapy
11.2.10 RC with NEO 11.18.11 First year CT shows possible liver tumor
12.8.11 Confirmation of TCC BC mets to the liver 6.27.12 Final round of Dose Dense MVAC
7.26.12 Final scans showed no tumor or no metabolic response10.18.12 Wife leaves, now a single dad
10.31.12 New scans show metastic return to liver 2.4.13 New scans for treatment, no other sites found
2.20.13 New chemo regiment started, will run at least 12 weeksBill, they look just like the training pads that I used for my dog. I will look for them. much better than washing a comforter all of the time.
You might look at Walgreens or Walmart for disposable mattress pads. They come in all sizes. The size I was using was 30″ X 36″. They are usualy with the adult diapers and pads. They sure saved on laundry and getting up in the middle of the night to change bed sheets. Hospitals and nursing homes use them as well.They look like these, Walmart and Walgreens have them in smaller packages:
5.24.10 Final staging T2G3 7.28.10 Started Gemcitabine, Cisplatin neoadjunctive chemotherapy
11.2.10 RC with NEO 11.18.11 First year CT shows possible liver tumor
12.8.11 Confirmation of TCC BC mets to the liver 6.27.12 Final round of Dose Dense MVAC
7.26.12 Final scans showed no tumor or no metabolic response10.18.12 Wife leaves, now a single dad
10.31.12 New scans show metastic return to liver 2.4.13 New scans for treatment, no other sites found
2.20.13 New chemo regiment started, will run at least 12 weeksBill, your timing is perfect, I gave up diapers for tighty whiteys and pads. I tried my wifes pad and only had problem that hose from night bag came loose and have to wash bed linen. wife ok with this so I am as well.
I am learning the hard way that timing my bag changes is not a good method. I was doing bag change every 2 hours but had about 3/4 bag at on time and 2 hours later the bag started to leak. I am going to have o come up with a better solution. Any suggestions out thereAlan,
Glad to see your doing well! Getting out and around people feels like no other freedom after going through treatment. Try some of the pads for the dripping, even some made for women as they are very thin and absorbent, and cheap. Some of the pads feel like a rolled up towel stuck down in the undies. Keep getting better!
5.24.10 Final staging T2G3 7.28.10 Started Gemcitabine, Cisplatin neoadjunctive chemotherapy
11.2.10 RC with NEO 11.18.11 First year CT shows possible liver tumor
12.8.11 Confirmation of TCC BC mets to the liver 6.27.12 Final round of Dose Dense MVAC
7.26.12 Final scans showed no tumor or no metabolic response10.18.12 Wife leaves, now a single dad
10.31.12 New scans show metastic return to liver 2.4.13 New scans for treatment, no other sites found
2.20.13 New chemo regiment started, will run at least 12 weeksI will try the dish soap. but I was sent something called M9 crystals, supposed to do same thing, my insurance company is paying a lot for my supplies, so I better try to use them all
things just going too easily for me. only issue now is dripping from urethra. i untwist tube before i go to bed, bag sits in a 2 gal plastic trash can so it is fixed.
I guess I was lucky. I didn’t have any post op drip. I got a night bag but also a plastic jar which looked more direct so I use it with no problems. I elevated my bed with 4×4’s to help the gravity flow better. About once a week I send a few drops of liquid dish soap down the tube to clean it and the jar. It sounds like you have got things pretty well under control.
I’m 70, retired heat/air contractor. After 4 months of keymo ileal conduit (IC) surgery removed bladder & prostate May 2010Sign In to reply.
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