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  • RC post surgery and menopause symptoms

    Posted by Maria on December 12, 2007 at 7:34 pm

    I had an early menopause and would hope to avoid a surgical menopause after RC.
    I was on HRT for 7 years. Hot flashes on and off for a few months, nothing for long periods and then on again, seems these hot flashes are never ending!

    When I think back to my early BC symptoms of blood in urine, I have experienced heavy what I would call ‘sweats’ rather than hot flashes, again off and on, It is only now that I am connecting the 2, I was wondering if BC and its hidden manifestation within the body somehow caused this? I will discuss my concerns with my Doctor.
    I would appreciate any experiences from women and this issue.


    SherriX2 replied 17 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • SherriX2

    January 13, 2008 at 4:31 am

    On Oct 1st I have emergency surgery that put me into surgical menopause ( I had complete hyster Oct 1st the medical term of my surgery is TAH BSO) and now 3 months later, they think I might have bladder cancer.Any chance its all connected in some way? I have the same pain I do now in my bladder that I had before SX, doctor though maybe the pain & blood in my urine was coming from the mass on my R ovary and in my R tube. But I still have the painful end of stream urine, and R kidney hurts too.

    I had a emergency TAH BSO on OCT 1 and now I am in sudden surgical menopause.I am now being testing for bladder cancer and will have results in 2 wks ( about the end of Jan)
  • Guest
    December 12, 2007 at 7:50 pm

    Hi Maria,

    I went thru surgical menopause 5 years ago and I know what you mean. The night sweats were really bad, and the hot flashes seemed about 15 mins apart for a year or two. HRT was not an option as I am a breast cancer survivor. However, after reading your post and giving it some thought…I was dealing with night sweats again shortly before I was dx’d with bladder cancer too. Since the RC it feels like surgical menopause all over again – I had been attributing it to the effect of anesthesia. Now I wonder. I go to Mayo’s the 19th – I will ask about this.
    God Bless, Holly

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