• mmc's avatar


    December 31, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    Not as such but there are hospital ratings for urologic and cancer. There is also Castle Connelly. Google it and search by specialty. Then you need to do some additional research to be sure their specially is bladder cancer and not prostate cancer or something.

    So there is information out there but not where all the work has been done. Tell us where you are located and some here may be able to recommend.

    If any place in the U.S. is ok, then Memorial Sloan Kettering is considered top with MD Anderson just behind. They are both teams of doctors who collaborate on your treatment.


    Age 54
    10/31/06 dx CIS (TisG3) non-invasive (at 47)
    9/19/08 TURB/TUIP dx Invasive T2G3
    10/8/08 RC neobladder(at 49)
    2/15/13 T4G3N3M1 distant metastases(at 53)
    9/2013 finished chemo -cancer free again
    1/2014 ct scan results….distant mets
    2/2014 ct result…spread to liver, kidneys, and lymph system

    My opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of ABLCS or anyone else. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.

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