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  • Questions I should be sure to ask my doctor?

    Posted by ginny on December 2, 2014 at 11:08 am

    I was diagnosed with bladder cancer from a cystoscopy -but was not too happy with that urologist and have found another and I have an appointment soon.

    What are the questions I should be sure to ask?

    What are the questions you wished you asked, but didn’t?

    Thanks for this!


    Alan replied 9 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Alan

    December 2, 2014 at 3:24 pm

    I take no credit for the copy and paste as it is someone else’s work:
    What is doctor’s interpretation of the pathology report____________?

    Stage?_______ Grade?______________

    What are the most accurate tests you can prescribe to assure us the cancer has not metastasized to any other place in the body?

    What would be the safest protocol to follow to make certain BC does not metastasize_______?

    What kind of test and how often should test be done to be certain there is no recurrence or metastasis_________________________?

    If you were to take yourself and can visualize yourself or your loved one in the same medical situation with the same stage and grade of cancer; with all your knowledge and expertise, what exact course of action would you recommend to give you the best survival odds at beating Bladder Cancer__________________________?

    Pet scan? Do you suggest having a PET scan now___?
    ….. and then how often after the first?______________?

    Do you recommend another Cystoscopy or TURBT before making any further recommendations for treatment?

    Should we decide to have you provide treatment, how quickly would you be ordering treatment and or surgery____?

    If neo adjuvant therapy is recommended, is it based upon pathology report, or is it prophylactic in consideration of surgical procedure?

    What is the success rate of neoadjuvant therapy ?

    What reasons would indicate treatment for BCG/interferon….. versus cisplatinum/Gezmar?

    DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.
  • Whatnext

    December 2, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    Hi Ginny,

    Did the urologist get a biopsy during your cystoscopy?
    I would definitely be sure to find a urologist who has lots of experience with bladder cancer… Preferably in an NCI institution.

    Until you meet with the urologist look up bladder cancer online.the info can seem overwhelming, but it will become a great reference tool to have more knowledge moving forward.

    There are several layers in the bladder and diagnosis is based on where the cells are located and what the appearance are.
    Once you have had a biopsy, the pathology will be key in deciding your treatment.

    So my initial questions would be:
    What type of bladder cancer do I have?
    How would you describe the abnormal cells appearance?
    What stage and grade is it? ( info should be available after biopsy)
    What are the least and most aggressive treatments?
    Do you routinely evaluate the whole renal pelvis and what testing is done to rule out any spread.

    I would advise getting any medical records too, from the former urologist or any other records to have for yourself to refer to. Quite often people encourage getting a second, even third opinion…especially if you feel that your questions aren’t being answered clearly enough. Sometimes I think the urologist is hesitant to give you too much info if the biopsy hasn’t been done etc.
    Good Luck,
    Keep us posted!


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