Questions about being diagnosed?
I’m just wondering if anyone had any reports that sounded like this:
The bladder is abnormal with diffuse irregular thickening and apparent increased trabeculation, although it is incompletely distended. In addition, there is heterogeneous high and low T1 signal within, suggesting proteinaceous fluid or blood products. Bowel loops are grossly unremarkable. No adenopathy or ascites.
I had a pelvic MRI a few weeks ago and this is what the report said. I saw a uro/gynecologist last week and am going back on Monday for a cystoscope. I was honestly more worried about ovarian cancer. Bladder cancer never crossed my mind, but the more I read about it, the more I realize that I have a lot of the symptoms. The Dr. didn’t tell me she was looking for cancer, just that she wanted to look inside my bladder before she does my hysterectomy. I am 35 and have been having these problems for over a year. I now have a Rectocele and a Cystocele and Uterine Prolapse. I seriously feel like everything is falling out of me and just like I’m really falling apart. Everything is happening so fast. My family tells me I spend too much time on the internet, but I feel like knowledge is power and I only have one life and I want to know as much as I can. It proved helpful to me at my last appointment. When discussing options, she didn’t have to explain what everything was to me because I already knew, so we just sat and discussed the pros and cons of different procedures and decided together what was best for me.
If you could tell me if you’ve had a report like this, or help me understand more what it means, I’d really appreciate it.