Question about pathology
I’m new to this site and just wanted some opinions from people who actually have dealt with this. I’ve had severe pain in my rt kidney, ureter and bladder for over a year along with recurrent, UTI’s, pain when urinating, fatigue, nausea. I’m practically disabled from the pain and have had the hardest time finding doctors that I trust. I recently had a diag. ureteroscopy and they found a few suspicious areas. This is what my path report says…..
A. rt. ureteral biopsy: minute fragment of atypical papillary lesion and partially denuded urothelial mucosa with urothelial dysplasia
B. Periureteral biopsy: partially denuded urothelial mucosa and submucosa with squamous metastasis and acute and chronic inflammation. Negative for dysplasia or malignancy.
Comments: The biopsy designated “the right ureteral” consists of two minute fragments of urothelial mucosa and submucosa with partially denuded mucosa.One small fragment shows a papillary configuration with cytologic atypia. The findings fall short of a diagnosis of urothelial carcinoma in-situ, and are best classified as urothelial dysplasia.
I’m so sick of fighting with our medical system and just want a few opinions on what this means. if anything?
Thanks so much!