Proposed solution for Neo incontinence
Well I think by now most of you know that I am one of those women that is incontinent with the Neo-bladder. I try to limit myself to 64oz of liquid a day, try not to drink much after 6:00pm etc… Puts a crimp in cocktail time.:silly: I am the Queen of Kegals quite frankly I find myself doing them even when I am not thinking about it,:woohoo: None of it has helped! In fact my incontinence is getting worse.:angry:
I saw Doc V. today. He has talked with the surgeon who created my Neo, who basically said that I should continue what I am doing and suck it up. My words not his just his intention. Bless Doc V he does not think this is acceptable.
He believes that they should be able to do a sling like they do for women who still have their bladder and are incontinent. He will check with his associate who does 5 of these a week. He will also check with Doctor Roze? at UCLA who is doing a spiral sling. Either way they will have to do a pressure test on my bladder. If the pressure threshold is below 60 he thinks the spiral sling would be my best bet.
The regular sling is a piece of mesh that goes under the urethra and is tightened to lift the urethra up. The spiral is a piece of mesh that is looped around the urethra. I need to look into both of them more. Doc V has promised to get back to me no later than Monday, but will try to get back to me tomorrow.
Needless to say I am really hoping this is the solution, but am trying not to get my hopes up to high.