Post BCG/Pre-Surgery Issue
In a nutshell, my surgery is scheduled for 12/15 and I stopped BCG treatments after number 4. The BCG side effects were becoming horrible and my uro didn’t see a need to go through all 6 if I was having the RC. The last BCG treatment was about 3 weeks ago.
Ever since the last BCG I have had pain and complications. It was really bad for a week after the last treatment and seemed to subside somewhat as time went on, that is until last Friday. Since then I am urinating a minimum of once an hour and it is extremely painful. I have also started passing clots again although they are much smaller than right after the BCG. Not only am I experiencing pain urinating but I also have pain in the abdomen area, right where I think my bladder is located. Also, a sharp pain once in a while from the prostate. I have this feeling that my plumbing is really messed up! I began taking Prosed and Flomax on Friday but it really hasn’t helped much at all. Had a few Vicodin left over from biopsy and took those which seemed to help for a couple of hours. Haven’t slept more than an hour at a time for 3 nights running.
I am just so tired from dealing with BC for the last 5 years. I know I have a long road ahead once I have the surgery so I was really hoping my quality of life the last 4 weeks before that chapter would be somewhat pleasant and pain free. Sorry for the whine.
Does this sound like something I should call my uro about? Could this be considered normal?