I am confused and scared, as I feel that I have been blown of by several doctors for the past seven months. I have a solitary left kidney; my right kidney has congenital atrophy. In early December of 2015 I was switched to Hydrochlorothiazide, from Lisinopril as my wife was attempting to become pregnant. Unfortunately, in mid January I noticed a severe pain my left kidney, the pain was on and off, until late March where it now persists on a constant basis. I have had two ultrasounds which show mild pelvictatis (hydronephrosis), and two compliment MRI’s that do not show any abnormality. I recently had a FISH test on 6/28/16, which came back positive as 4/25 cells showed polysomy for chromosomes 3, 7, 17, and 9 (and was indicative of bladder cancer). However, concurrent urine cytology was negative, along with a bladder cystoscope. I am only 38 years old, I do not present with hematuria, nor do I smoke. Due to my biology background, I think I have TCC of the kidney, or renal pelvis due to the hydro, positive fish, and seven months of pain. At this point both urologists are telling me that I am crazy, and that there is no way I could have cancer at 38, and that it is something else. My current symptoms are constant kidney pain in my back, and abdomen, in addition to a constant burning feeling in my urethra. What are the forums thoughts? Should a CT with contrast be ordered, I feel that I may have an aggressive form of cancer, and with only one kidney my prognosis is bleak (remove the kidney, and go on dialysis).
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