Poems I Wrote
My Special Red Rose
My special red rose so full of life just
blossoming with lovely red pedals
Always looking so beautiful and radiant
in the morning sun
Now through the years my lovely pedals
seem to be falling off one by one
Trying so hard to care for my special
red rose
I can’t seem to stop this process from
coming undone
And yet again another lovely red pedal
has falling from my beautiful rose
Yes today my special red rose doesn’t
blossom quite as full
But I still look at it everyday in
the morning light
For the lovely red pedals that are still
on my special rose
Bring so much joy and happiness to my
hearts delightCopyright ©2008
Through His Eyes
God sometimes I wish I could see through
your eyes
To see what you see because sometimes I
do not know why
Life can be filled with joy and other
times sorrow
I’m happy for today but I always wonder
about tomorrow
I don’t need any answers for all the
questions that I ask
For I know your job is an amazing endless
But if you could just guide me in your
light day by day
Then I know in my heart I may learn to
understand your Almighty wayCopyright ©2008
I wrote My Special Red Rose after my folks passed and they show a copyright of 2008 but I wrote them over 9 years ago. Poetry.com just keeps them current to the present year I don’t why. Joe ;)