• Posted by on May 14, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    Today I had a special experience. I guess for me it made me realize why I am still here on the forum..
    I had an appointment at our local hospital for my yearly mammogram. As I was waiting to be called another younger lady came in, she is 52. We both went back together and sat in a little room waiting for our exam. Of course first we changed into the fabulous gown. We exchanged the usual Hi, isn’t fun, can’t wait to get out of here…I was called in, had my exam, came out , she was still sitting there.I could see her eyes were teared, it was obvious she was concerned. She then went in , came out and sat beside me. I had to wait to see if I needed a sonogram after the test was read. I did not have to have further testing. As I sat there she went in for a second pictue taking process. I waited with her as we got into a conversation out breast cancer and other medical conditions involving cancer, so I blurted it all out about Gene. and how it is one year this month that he had symptoms, I then proceeded to tell here all is good and outcome can be as well for her with a positive attitude and family support. I felt a connection to this girl, Becky, I made her laugh and I lightened the mood. The nurse came out and said she had to go to a different part of the hospital for another test. As we both got up I gave her a big hug and said Becky you will be fine, she hugged me back with great intensity tears running down her face. At this point I thought of myself last year after getting our news, and how I too cried. But today it was about Becky, if I was in any way a angel for her I am glad. So if an opportunity arises for others on this forum to be an angel take advantage of it as it is a good feeling to help others. Today I hope I helped Becky!!!! PAY IT FORWARD!!!!!! Ginger Beane

    Melisa replied 16 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Melisa's avatar


    July 9, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    Thank you for sharing your inspiring story Ginger. I hope you know that YOU “pay it forward” daily by being so active here!

    This afternoon I had the opportunity to pay your kindness to me forward. :P

    A friend of mine said that a friend of his had a recent recommendation to have his bladder removed and asked if I would pass along any information I had since my dad just had the procedure. Well I called the gentleman this afternoon and spoke briefly. He has NOT been dx with cancer of the bladder but due to frequent urination problems (ongoing for 10 years) he was referred to a surgeon who recommended doing a neobladder. I of course told him to get a second opinion ASAP that it was a major procedure and I referred him to Dr. Schoenberg at Hopkins. (Pat had referred him to me). I told him about dad’s experience and that I would print everything I had from the information pages at the BC Web Cafe site and send it to him tomorrow.

    So – thanks YOU and the others on here who have been so willing to help a stranger out – I passed along what I know to hopefully help a stranger out.


    Friendship isn't a big thing; it's a million little things.
  • 's avatar

    May 21, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    Well it seems she and I were destined to be in the same place that day. I find it interesting how things work out that way. One thing I want to make clear though about the sex issue is that as a caregiver you have to sometimes push forward to regain the life you had if it is possible. Some are not as fortuneate as to even think of regaining this aspect of recovery, nor does it seem important. I know 9 months ago I could have cared less about that part of our life, LIFE was the issue for sure. As much kidding that does go on about the intimate issue it plays a factor for those who can and who desire to pick it up where it once was..

  • clara's avatar


    May 21, 2008 at 1:24 pm


    I love your story…so glad you could give support and have some laughs about the sex too.


    Caretaker of husband, Bob.
    Stage IV
    Diagnosed Jan, 2007
  • 's avatar

    May 14, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    Thank you Margot,
    I was inspired to connect with her , she didn’t go into her particular situation, but I felt her despair.I think she really got a kick out of my story as I ended with the info concerning the shot,, I said we went from stage 3 to 9 months later being told we can now have sex 3 times a week, she laughed, as I said I really wasn’t expecting a miracle, which would be a miracle for 3 times a week….
    Cancer touches many, if I make her afternoon less stressful,I am happy to share!!

  • harry-s's avatar


    May 14, 2008 at 10:11 pm

    HI Ginger – What a neat story. I am so glad that you were there to give comfort and support to Becky during a difficult time for her. You have always been a beam of sunshine to me and I too look forward to a day that I can be at the right place at the right time to help someone through a difficult patch. Thanks for the inspiration. Margot

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