Pain Management—13 days and Counting—-VERY FRUSTRATED!!!!
Hi All,
Tomorrow will be 14 days since my husband was voluntarily admitted to the hospital for Pain Management issues. During this time they have yet to achieve the goal. We have had issues of Misdiagnosis of his bone lesions, a scary rise in blood pressure, and then a scary decrease in blood pressure, Orders not being followed, (or written down for that matter). A Cardiologist saying that he doesn’t need the extra fluids it is raising his blood pressure…A resident telling us that since he is now getting Radiation that he needs the extra fluids…and the Radiation Oncologist saying that is not true….UGHHHH!!!!I think that Teaching hospitals are WONDERFUL for curable types of cancer, but I am having second thoughts about a teaching hospital for end of life issues/pain management/ etc… He is now receiving 80 mg of Oxycontin 2 times a day and 100mg of Oxycontin at night. He can still have 1mg of Dilaudid (intravenously) every 2 hrs. if the pain breaks through…I don’t understand why they didn’t increase his Fentanyl Patch ( It lasts 3 days for God’s sake) He was on the lowest dosage of 50mg…and Fentanyl is available up to 250mg…they keep playing around with the Oxycontin, and after 14 days don’t have it right yet???? Is this normal? Am I crazy? He was honestly on less of a roller coaster pain wise at home…Yes, I was up every couple of hours…But shouldn’t they have figured this out by now?
I am hearing of MRSA here on the forum…Usually after or during a hospital stay…I know that Pneumonia is a killer in this situation…He needs to get out of that hospital ASAP…what should I do here? I do not want his used as a guinea pig for the new residents to figure out how pain medication works!!! I also can’t call in Hospice…If I do he can’t get Radiation…I don’t think we are at Hospice stage yet…Any suggestions? I am losing sleep and slowly losing my mind….
Thanks, Karen
Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.