So sorry to hear of your husband’s difficulties. For many patients BCG is bladder-saving, if not life-saving. What does his urologist say about these side effects? When something worrisome happens that is the first place to go for answers.
If the side effects are too much it is possible for the urologist to reduce the dose. Even 1/10th the original dose has been shown to be effective. If he really cannot tolerate BCG there are other options that his urologist can discuss with him. If he has completed the first six instillations he does have some real benefit from it even if he opts to not have any more.
There is a LOT of information on this Forum on other patients’ experiences with BCG. At the top of this page on the right-hand side is a “Search” function. Click on that and enter “BCG” and you will find a lot of posts on this topic.
Best of luck to your husband
Sara Anne
Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
BCG; BCG maintenance
Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
Forum Moderator
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