OK – ready to travel for surgery
I followed up on Pats suggestion regarding how many neo-bladder reconstructions are done at our local facility and am now almost decided on going in the direction of changing our medical group to a San Francisco one and starting the whole referral process with a new PCP all over again. This will lose some time but might be better in the end. So – for those who did travel for their surgery – can you share with me what to expect? If I allow 12 days for the surgery and hospitalization – is it best to get a apartment or hotel for 3-4 weeks? Is the patient usually discharged with a catheter? Is the first follow up appointment within days of hospital discharge and therefore better to stay in the city of surgery facility? If his PET scan was clear last month do I have a month to get this all arranged or am I in danger of jeopardizing his health? If I change his care today to a San Francisco medical group the soonest we can be seen would be early June and then back to Konety and then…. what is the average time before surgery takes place? As you can tell I am about as frazzled as I get and need to make a decision that is well informed and doesn’t create more stress. Thank you all for helping me. I will return the good thoughts and favor when I have this experience behind me. Jeannette
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