Oh Boy! Do they LOVE Me at the Hospital! LOL "Again" SECOND OPINIONS PLEASE!!!
This is getting to be a habit….But one I refuse to give up…I cannot help but Second Guess everything that is going on with my husband…
This morning Angelo’s Blood Pressure was elevated. When I left at 12:00 it was still high and they gave him Lisinopril, in addition to the Lopressor he is already on. When I returned at 6:00PM he looked awful, and had chills and was really feeling like something was not right. I had them check his blood pressure again and it was 183 over 95! I told them that his color was wrong and I wanted to speak with a Cardiologist regarding his medications etc…They were giving me a hard time and telling me that they didn’t think it was necessary, and that they wanted to give him a drug in his IV that would bring down the pressure…It continued to go up and up at one point it was 205 over 110!!!!I demanded at Cardiologist immediately!!I wanted an EKG…I told them he was having some sort of episode. I told them I didn’t want them to give him anything else without talking to the Cardio Dr. Finally I called for one myself, she then called the oncologist, and when she finally called back….She asked a lot of questions and at the end of our conversation she asked if he was on and IV. I said yes he has been getting a Saline IV for 9 days. She asked if he was eating and taking in fluids…I said yes…she said he needs to get off the saline IV and I want him to have Lasiks to get rid of the excess water.
The Saline IV in her opinion was causing his blood pressure to go up…
Always Ask questions! Don’t assume that just because they are Dr’s…that they know everything……
Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.