Not so blue in Chicago
Hello all from the windy city! Surgery is behind me and the good news is that a repair was possible! They were able to do an open repair were they repaired the ureter and reattached it to another spot on my Indiana pouch. They also found a lot of adhesions on the intestines and removed them at the same time. Pain management has been very good and I am starting to feel human again at this point. I have an indwelling catheter that should come out Friday about thirty staples and a ureter stint that will need to be removed through my pouch in about six weeks. My creatinine is now 1.5 not bad running off one kidney and my ankles and legs are starting to look like mine again. All and all I couldn’t ask for more. Once again I have fallen in love all over again with my wonderful husband, a better help mate and caregiver one could not ask for. There is something very humbling when someone loves you even when you are at your most unlovable. I heard a rumor that I was monitoring the site in recovery and that is untrue. They would not let me take my netbook into surgery with me so I had to wait until I got back to the room. It makes me very proud that we have such a great community. Thanks again for all of your kind words and support.
Cynthia Kinsella
T2 g3 CIS 8/04
Clinical Trial
Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
BCG 9/05-1-06
RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
Left Nephrectomy 1/09
President American Bladder Cancer Society