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  • Not diagnosed, but have symptoms and questions.

    Posted by Marymickaela on May 10, 2016 at 12:43 am

    I had thyroid cancer at age 26, my mom died of metastatic kidney cancer at age 63 and my maternal grandma died of Reticulum Cell Sarcoma age 68. I’m now 65 and hematuria was discovered by accident last November. Referred to a great urologist and presently have had 4 Cat-Scans, Cystoscopy, a Retrograde Pyelograme and lastly a FISH test. All normal. I spoke to my doctor today and can’t obsess and think anymore about maybe having cancer. I’ve chosen to stay off sites like these because of the anxiety it causes.

    Got the FISH test results today and my doctor says all is normal. I spoke with her and told her since nothing has shown up I’d like to wait 6 months to have the Cytology test and maybe even a year for another CAT-Scan. She agreed.

    My question. The FISH test was posted on my Portal and it said I have “rare red blood cells” and “mild acute inflammation”. I did send a message to my doctor asking what it means, but haven’t heard back yet. Can anybody answer this? Does the “rare blood cells” show up due to the hematuria?


    Marymickaela replied 8 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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