Nighttime Neobladder Continence Solutions
I know there is a lot said on this forum regarding continence, but for those of us who have a neo-bladder, there’s never enough discussion of that subject (speaking for myself, anyway). I would like to start a thread for the purpose of sharing SOLUTIONS that work for you regarding nighttime incontinence. I am about 9 months post-RC surgery, and due to some complications and subsequent surgeries, am still working on daytime continence. Nighttime continence is still a cloud on the horizon, but I’m hopeful.
Recently, I’ve started using external catheters. I’m trying several styles, have more samples coming, and have not yet landed on what works best for me. I’ve tried the diaper/absorbent underwear and pad route, and we’re tired of washing sheets every day, so I conclude that is not the solution. So far, it looks like the external, condom, texas catheters may be it.
So far, here’s what I can offer:
Make sure you have the right size. I picked some condom catheter samples up from a cancer services center, and didn’t pay enough attention to what size I was bringing home. Found out quickly that a condom catheter that is too small is not only difficult to put on, but even moreso to remove!
There’s the issue of retraction which some guys deal with, myself included, which makes some styles not work. Then there’s the issue of aggressive adhesives, and removing the condom without removing the skin, and keeping hair out of the adhesives and the roll of silicone or latex (ouch).
I ordered some called Gee-Whiz by Merlin Medical Technologies which are pretty innovative. They employ a silicone strip and a non-adhesive condom catheter, which is really easy to apply and remove. Unfortunately, retraction may cause it to come off while you sleep!
I’ll offer more info as I learn it. Meanwhile, if anyone else has experience to share, please do.
Thanks, Joel