Newly diagnosed and worry.
Hello everyone,
First of all, I would like to apologize for my English as it is not my primary language. I am 33 years old and was recently Dx with Stage 1 low grade Transitional cell cancer on Feb 14th 2017. It started out when I had 2 UTI episodes in 1 month so my GP sent to me to a urologist. Uro told me I had a stenotic urethra so he scheduled a cystoscopy to fix the problem. During the cystoscopy is when he found my bladder cancer and took it out on that same day for biopsy. It has been almost a month now and I keep having painless, massive hematuria with large clots. My Urologist told me it is normal to be bleeding but I’m very concern as it doesn’t look like it’s getting any better. Does anyone have the same issue? Will I eventually be on BCG down the road? Should I go seek for a 2nd opinion? I know these questions are very generic as each person is different but I would like to know people’s experience on the matter. So far, he told me he took it out and I should do a 3 months follow up for 2 years and 6 months after that. Thank you for reading this.