Newly diagnosed and new to the forum.
This is my first post. I am a 63 year old male. I was actually diagnosed in Jan of 2013. I had the tumor removed. It was TA low grade. Nine months later a small tumor was seen during the cysto and cauderized in the office. My next cysto was March of 2014 and I was all clear. I was ecstatic. September I had another cysto and in just 6 months a tumor had grown that required TURB. This was graded TA high. I have just finished 6 weeks of BCG. When I asked my Urologist if another tumor occurs can we just remove it. His reply was yes but if it is high grade, I should have my bladder removed. I am scared and confused. At this point I can’t grasp the idea of life without a bladder. Since the BCG is only 60% effective, are there any other options?
I have been cruising along with the naïve idea that this cancer would just be controlled. The reality of what I am facing has hit me extremely hard.