Newbie..Needs Bladder Removal Surgery
Hi all. I am a 6 year Paralized survivor. T-12 (Waist Down). After years of Nurogenic bladder, I am now sick every week with UTI , bladder infections. Unless I am on major Antibiotics I get sick. Lately, I have been Hostpitalized every other week for 6 weeks. The Urologist and Infection Doctors both agree I need to get the sick bladder and prostate removed… and tie the Ureters to a stoma outside the body. I am scared becasue I recently had a Ileo Pipe or Chimminy done a few months ago, but the infections form the bladder grew even more freqent and more intense! I am nearly certain no options are left. My doctors think I will likely die in 6 months if I do not have the bladder removed. Theu are scheduling the surgery now…. eeek.. Im cared! Any thoughts? I know Im in for a whopper surgery… it causes terrible Nuropathic pain beyond belief… and it is very hard for a paralized person go through. But, what I am looking at… after the surgery? Can I expect some sort of life afterwards or am I screwed either Way. Im a little down and looking for any encouragement or suggestions anyone has! Please offer any thoughts… Thanks, Mike from Florida.