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Newbie just diagnosed ? about bleeding
Posted by fofinjo on October 31, 2006 at 11:48 pmHi all, I’m new. Just registered. I’m 61 y/o female, non smoker. Was diagnosed 10-17 with TaGrade2, and 2.5 centimeter tumor removed during what was to be routine cysto. I’ve never even had a bladder infection. Pls forgive if I’m not using correct lingo here. Question is this: for the first week, I had nice, pretty pee- very little pain. After a week and a half on a weekend ( of course ) I had one occasion of blood with a clot. Called the office and a PA told me this was normal healing. Now I’m mostly peeing clear yellow with an occasional bit of blood maybe every 5th time I pee. I’m studying BCG – dr. says I’m right on the cusp as to whether I need it or not. I feel pretty certain I’m going to go ahead and do it as much as it frightens me, but I’ve just had a flu shot so need to wait a bit. Should I be more worried about this little bit of bleeding or is that just normal healing? Thanks. This forum is really healpful.
Mike replied 17 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Rosemary you really mustn’t get too technical! It frightens the beginners! ;)
Greg L-W. -
Meat welding? :D
Age – 55
T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
Dx January 2006Hi,
Well – on schedule I’ve just had another meeting with the Green Taliban!
I went into The Royal Gwent just before lunch on Monday – I was scheduled for an op in the afternoon but as they know I understand the ‘ropes’ I was allowed to come in starved on the day rather than the day before. A huge advantage for me and also for the NHS.
They have a new system now where they have a pre surgery ward which starts to fill on a Sunday evening for ops. on Monday and has another major intake on Wednesday as the minor ops. discharge and major ops go onto longer term wards. The aim is to close the ward by, at latest mid day Saturday when it is thoroughly cleaned. Ready for the new batch on Su8nday evening.
This has meant ammalgamating the Urology Ward with ENT – I suggested perhaps it should be called The Ron Davis Ward in view of this world reknowned Badger watchwers predeliction for a combination of the two doctrines on Clapham Common, whilst wearing his wife’s frocks!
Anyway 14.15hrs. Burke & Hare arrived at the ward and wheeled me off to theatre where I was stabbed in the back by a charming lass before being wheeled in for judgement by the Green Mujahadine in their all over green Yashmaks.
I must say I had seen the movie on the TV several times before, but it never ceases to fascinate me that they can act out all those parts at the far end of my urethra! The state of my bladder is, I am pleased to say quite good as the scar tissue from previous inflictions of grievous bodily harm whilst undergoing torture strapped down (or up might be more appropriate) by the Green Mujahadine.
I always feel idiotically relieved when they find the pearl in this particular oyster – the tiny bubble of air that floats to the top of the bladder! It kind of reassures me that no one as yet has ruptured the bladder!
This time the TURBT was a tiny area just near the neck and they zapped that, resealing the small wound with a quarterising process that they seem to object to me calling meat welding! Then a small section of cancer was removed from the centre lobe of the prostate – this is bladder cancer NOT prostate cancer as yet so no great alarm.
They have meticulously gathered up the bits cut away and these have gone to path. so I’ll hear about them when I next go in in about 3-4 weeks, for a debrief.
I do hope the JamesWhaleFund general leaflets are available for me to scatter around urology by then!
Then it was back to the ward with a catheter for friendship! It is surprising how much more confident some nurses are when a patient is fitted with a catheter, must be my age!
I had hoped to have the catheter out at 06.00hrs. the next morning, but I was having so much fun with it in NOT, and the carrbrator mix was still running rich claret I asked the sister to leave the catheter in until we had at least started to run light Rose or better still Pink Champagne. This was agreed and I had the catheter out at 21.30hrs. that evening and by morning I had moved on to Blanc de Blanc – so a quick scan of the bladder (at least I know I’m not pregnant now!!) retention is quite low at 60mls.
Then wait for a friend to pick me up at 12.00hrs. from the hospital cafe.
I filled in the time with a quick call back to the ward with a box of chocs. for the nurses and a call in on my old ward to say hi. Then I went and had a long chat with the consultants secretaries and a couple of sisters I know well – we are working to build a campaign to prevent the imbeciles in The National Ass for Wales (so aptly named) and the ridiculous Martin Turner, head of the Health Trust trying to export support and secretarial serviceas to India just because they have proved too incompetent to manage the budget for the NHS.
The problem with the NHS is absolutely clear – just lie in a hospital bed for a few days and you soon realise that there is a fundamental hole in the bucket and however hard they turn the money tap on they will always have an empty bucket!
The NHS is, like the old USSR and increasingly like the EUropean soviet micro managed by far too many managers, most of whom are working to institute targets that damage health care.
I watched the chap in the bed opposite be preped. over 2 days for a 12.1/2hr. aesophical cancer op. (I think it is called the William Lewis technique) after about £5,000+ of NHS money being spent, his operation was cancelled due to the false economy of not having an ICU bed available after the op.!!!
That means a full theatre, 2 consultant surgeons, 2 back up surgeons, 2 full anaethetists’s teams and about 16 theatre staff had no work all day!
OK so they wasted about £30,000 just to fulfill some idiot box ticking excercise for management! What of the dire effect psychologically on Joseph and his family when having ‘screwed up their courage and coped with their fear’ they were told to go hope and face it all again in a week or two time!
Anyway – I’m back out and causing trouble again!!! I expect the sugeons knife to slip every time I go in to buy the corrupt management of the NHS time and a quiet life
I’ve got a CT Scan next Thursday so lets see how that goes – though we do seem to have ruled out mets. in the chest with the recent XRay. Lets see what a CT scan shows!
I hope you are all doing as well as I am and anyone with questions, who i following down this path, is welcome to ask – I’ll try to help. I hope my experiences don’t bore too many of you and give hope and reassurance to others.
Greg L-W.Hi, I agree with Don. My last post TURB in July of 2005 (my fourth in 6 years) prompted more bleeding and passing clots than at any other previous post TURB. Because of the location of my recurs, just outside the left ureter orifice, limited fulgerization as it could cause scarring that might block opening to that ureter. The doctor informed me to drink lots of water. That did the trick almost immediately.
I have asked this myself and it did clear up sooner after drinking alots of water… Are you drinking enough water to flush yourself out? If so I would not let it go too long … talk to the doctor.
DonThanks so much for reading and responding to my questions. I’m definitely more at ease now. Hopefully I’ll be able to help others on this board as you all have helped me. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks again !
during TUR either BT (or P = Prostate – Guys only!) a burn or direct cut is effected. This tends to bleed to a greater or lesser extent after surgery, which is why, both to ensure minimum pressure in the bladder pulling on the wound (however minor) and also to constantly wash the bladder to remove any free floating particles, blood and maintain a non acidic environment to aid healing a catheter is left in place and the output bag is checked for blood colorant.
Sometimes a large amount of fluid will be run into and out of the bladder through a two way catheter and it may take a couple of days before bleeding stops sufficiently to remove the catheter.
Anything from a week to a month later, again tending to be dependent on the amount of resection done the bladder interior surface will have healed adequately and the ‘scab’ that formed will float off – this may be passed in bits over a couple of days or sometimes as a single mass. Just as it is never right to pee claret and even rose should be taken seriously – although worrying peeing brown bits after an op or a grey/brown caterpillar is somewhat disconcerting but panic not it is just the scab.
As a simple guide – red colours are live or recent blood but brown or greyish tends to be long dead blood from a scab or similar. IF this lasts for more than a day or two take it seriously and contact your urology specvialist or Doctor.
You sound as if you have nothing to worry about even if it is hard to convince yourself that The Big C stands for Challenge and Choice and TUR in less medical terms is a Trans Urithral Reprieve ;)
Good luck and remember it is YOUR Bladder and YOU Choose when YOU need reassurance – that said never ever ever miss or delay a check up or treatment.
after the very first sugery -taking the tumor out I had pure blood type urin for over a week and the cath was in for 6 days. The scraping of the bladder each time you have a surgery you may spot or not. The Dr explained it like this: after a scope and a surgery to remove any mass{s} you have the cath removed 3 days later then your bladder heals. If you spot after or have some clots it could be the bladder scabs have broke open. EX; when you cut your self and a scab forms later you break opren that scab=bleeding then it heals again -same with your bladder.
I have had 4 surgeries since feb 06 and going for round 3 of BCG and each time the cath comes home with me then cuz of my job I sit for 2 weeks while the bladder heals
lifting etc… can cause the bladder scabs to open and spotting in your urin.
I hope this helps some what. star ;)Hey,
I was cauterized with my TUR’s so, I think that would make a difference in the fact that I had no clots or bleeding after tumor removals.
I imagine that after the tumor removal and no cauterization, then you would have
normal clots and bleeding, but I’m just guessing.Maybe someone else has a more informative answer.
By the way, welcome. :D
Age – 55
T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
Dx January 2006Sign In to reply.