New to Cancer
I am new to cancer (diagnosed Stage 1 Grade 3) in January and to this site. I have been reading posts but not registered. This information you have been talking about is very interesting to me since I too live in North Carolinta, the mountains. However, I have been being treated in Greensboro, NC because my urologist there is a specialist in interstitial cystities which is a bladder condition I have suffered with almost all my life. I had TURB with 4 tumors removed in Feb and I am taking BCG & interteron treatments weekly. Tomorrow is #9 and my doc recommends 12. This has puzzled me because most people post that they take only 6 and only BCG to begin. With my past history of bladder problems I would not be surprised if I must have my bladder removed sometime in the future. I would want to go to the best possible hospital with a doc that does this routinely. Your informatin is helpful since I am in this area too. I have read that Sloan Kettering in New York is the absolute best in bladder cancer but my opinion is that it is the doctor that matters most. I am a little afraid of going to NY being a county girl. If Duke, Wake Forest, or even my present doc which is afflicated with Wake Forest and is in a large practice of 14 urologists is just as good, I would rather stay “home”. I am driving 200 miles each way weekly for my treatments so I am used to traveling there. By the way, my husband’s cousin had a tumor in his bladder in 2000. After the surgery they told him it was cancer but when the path reports came back, they said it was benign and he has had no further problems.
female 60
1/08 dx 4 tumors TURB
T1 G3
12 BCG + interferon
5/08 another tumor/TURB
9/08 RC illieal conduit