new to all of this
Hello all, i am new to this. Went to Doc a couple months ago complaining of frequency and discomfort during intercourse. She did an exam and felt a mass. So ordered a bladder US found a mass that after a cystourethroscopy the Urologist said it was a mass between the vaginal wall and bladder wall not inside the bladder. Schedule surgery to remove what she believed to be a Fibrocystic tumor no problem should be beighn get what we can and if it is on the bladder wall might have to leave some so as not to laserate the bladder (she left about 20%). Well to everyones surprise the path report called it a Leiomyosarcoma. So have an appointment at Vandy with Dr. Smith on the 11th. According to the urologist i seen that did orginal surgery if the pathologist at Vandy calls it a sarcoma also they will more than likely have to do a radical cystectomy because it is at the tricuspid (i beleive that is what she called it)or neck of the bladder where the ureters empty into bladder and the urethra is located. Because the urethra is involved with the tumor a neobladder is not an option. Of course first emotion scared. I am 45 years old been married for 30 years what now, she says they will have to remove the back of the vaginal wall Dont know what to think feel say. Any words of experience would be greatly appreciated.