Home Forums All Categories Non Invasive Bladder Cancer new info on T1G3 markers

  • Guest
    October 25, 2008 at 6:19 pm

    Ro…it sounds like its from the tumor…..from original turbs. But any new markers they come up with i guess is progress??? Whether it is something that will be used here at major centers??…Why not ask Dr. Pruthi about the paper…i am awaiting a reply from MSK and Cleveland…..but that may take a while as it never gets to the right person. I did notice if you google the biomarker Ezrin ..it is used in a ton of cancers as a prognosticator?…

  • rosemary

    October 25, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    In layman’s terms, does this mean that we will soon be tested for these biomarkers? Are the protiens expressed from a tumor free bladder or from the tumor?

    Reading these statistics was not much fun….


    Age – 55
    T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
    Dx January 2006

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