Neph. Tube trouble!
On Friday night my father’s nephrostomy tube stopped draining. It was too late to do anything about it so my mother kept an eye on it. It started draining again on and off throughout the night. Saturday it stopped again. Then it would leak all over the place. She called the dr. and they said that it could wait till Monday, that the radiology dept. in the hospital is closed. Well, yesterday the same thing. It clogs and then drains. My mother has tried to unclog it but it seems to keep happening. Finally, this morning she spoke to someone in the radiology dept. and they kept telling her that it isn’t “life or death”. The woman said, “I don’t care what happened over the weekend, tell me what is happening now.” My mother told her she has had to change the bed 3 times and the dressings around the tubes. It is draining but still leaks. They did not want to see him today because they have a lot of patients coming in but she said we could bring him in at noon….but he may be waiting a while! My mother has a virus so my sister and I are going to be taking him in. He is so weak from the chemo, he needs a wheel chair and I don’t know how long he will be able to last sitting there before they take him. I can just tell this is going to be an awful day!
Anyone have any experience with the tubes clogging or not draining properly?
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