Neo Bladder and digestion 8 weeks out
My husband had prostate removal, RC and neo bladder constructed from small intestine in mid September. The cancerous tumor was very aggressive, but no spread of those cells was found in the lymph nodes. He is 71 and was very athletic and strong going into the surgery. There have been a lot of ups and downs during this recovery, as I’m sure everyone has experienced. He is presently working with a physical therapist to train pelvic floor muscles, so as to help with all the urine leakage. He lost 20 lbs after the surgery, going from 160 lbs down near 140; he is 6 ft 2. As his appetite has improved and a little bit of weight has started coming back, he is experiencing days of constantly running to the toilet, although mostly it’s lots of gas!
Does anyone else have this experience through this process? I keep thinking it’s because the intestine was seriously compromised during the surgery.
Is this merely another bump in the road? The surgeon keeps reassuring us that he’s doing great. Thanks for being here. I gain a lot of hope reading others’ posts.