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  • My RC on Weds., 7/25, University of Washington Medical Center

    Posted by Melodie on July 21, 2007 at 6:49 am

    I was dx’d in early March….treatment plan was for 3-4 months of MVAC chemo and then RC….it seems I have been on this journey forever and now my surgery date is almost here. It took me weeks and months to do enough research so I could accept the idea of someone cutting on me….and even then, as Pat would tell you, I would sometimes start to back away from the idea. I prayed God would give me the strength needed for this journey while my spouse prayed for a miracle….that miracle being that the doctor would come in at the last minute and tell us that I didn’t need any surgery…..finally, I told my husband that this is the miracle….the fact that doctors have the expertise and resourses to give us a new bladder when cancer wants to take ours from us.

    Yesterday I went in so the doctors could do one last peek & poke. I met the doctor who will be assisting my surgeon….he was very attentive in responding to my questions and concerns….great bed side manner, and all the staff who helped to prep me and then care for me after, were all just wonderful. I awoke from the anethesia just feeling happy and so blessed. It was just a very good experience and what I needed to ease my mind and spirit in preparation for next week.

    Unless I find a PC at the hospital, you won’t hear anything from me for at least six weeks or possibly more. I will be recovering at my in-laws and they don’t have a PC. But I will ask my daughter to contact Pat after I am out of surgery and she can put in a quick update on me. I think we feel better when we get word on how someone is recovering…..and when we don’t hear anything, that tends to disturb some of us.

    My thanks to all who have helped me along this journey….esp. Wendy, Pat and Holly who have had to spend extra time coaching me….but without that continue encouragement, I would have been lost. Without the benefit of this webpage, I am fairly certain that I would have just stopped all medical proceudres after having the TURB done.

    And so, I am to get an Indiana Pouch this next Weds. and believe I have chosen one of the best doctors for the job. I have faith in the healing power of our dear Lord, I believe in the skill of my doctors and staff and I believe in me. This warrior is signing out for now. Praying we all find the strength to do what we must do. Take care. Melodie

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
    Melodie replied 17 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • melodie

    July 21, 2007 at 7:12 pm

    Thanks dear friends for the nice send off…..my mother-in-law is figting a kidney malfunction, my husband is feelng sick and nervous…..and both of my college age kids are sick…..maybe me going to the hospital is a safer place to be…..ha ha ! And this is my last note…..headed to Seattle within the hour. Melodie

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • rosie

    July 21, 2007 at 3:29 pm

    Melodie, I wish you a speedy recovery. It seems we all have the toughest time when we are in the mids of transition with weighing our thoughts on how to proceed while trying to please everyone else. Once we have the right combination of facts, support and right doctor (it sounds like you do) the decision becomes a satisfying relief. My prayers and thoughts are and have been with you. Rosie

  • rosemary

    July 21, 2007 at 10:08 am


    I am wishing you the best of luck and will be thinking of you over the next few weeks.
    We will look forward to hearing from you again.

    Take good care,
    Your friend,

    Age – 55
    T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
    Dx January 2006
  • timb

    July 21, 2007 at 10:04 am

    wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery


  • Guest
    July 21, 2007 at 7:53 am

    GO Melodie!!! so glad to hear yesterday was a very positive and affirming experience. Please go out and treat yourself with lots of chocolate and good stuff to eat before that 3 day fast next week. We’re all thinking of you. I know you’ll do great. I look forward to hearing form you…..Pat

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