My Mother
First of all I’d like to say that I’m not from America (Australian) but I didn’t think it’d make much of a difference which country to forum was based in.
I’m a 16 year old teenager who just found out last week that my mother (who is in her late 50s) had been diagnosed with bladder cancer over 3 years ago and had been hiding it from me, I’ve not been able to get much info from her as she hides a lot of info from me and also has a partial language barrier between her and her doctors which may not allow her to have all the information.
From what she has told me I gather that it is a 2-3mm cauliflower superficial tumor (she said that it was growing just on the surface of the bladder rather than invading muscle tissue), when I asked her whether it was high-grade or low grade she told me that she was told it was low grade, once again she may be lying to me so that I am not concerned, this is probably the worst I have felt in my entire life, I’d rather go through my own medical problems 100 fold than have to watch her suffer.
Obviously I am very concerned and have done a lot of research on the internet about bladder cancer, I have heard that bladder cancer has a high chance of recurring and I am very worried that it will return and progress, she has been cancer free for over 2 years now and had only one tumor recurrence (3 months after it was originally removed), the second time round she got treated with liquid in her bladder (once again she doesn’t tell me any of the details) but has not had chemo.
She’s scheduled for 6 monthly check up tomorrow and I’m terrified about what they’ll find (she will probably hide it from me if they find another tumour), it’s frustrating being left in the dark like this. Do any of you guys have experience with this form of bladder cancer and what are the chances of surviving (I can only find 5 year survival rates) and living a full life? What should I expect?