My journey – Update
Hello everyone!
Here is a quick summary of my personal journeyMay 30 2019: First cysto following recent radical hysterectomy (January 2019) and ongoing bleeding . Camera showed a 3 cm
tumor that was already seen as malignantJune 25 2019: TURB done
Mid July 2019: Pathology report: aggressive, non invasive
Late Aug-Early Oct: 6 BCG sessions
Nov 7 2019: follow up cysto – CLEAR (3 areas were red and tissues taken for biopsy – negative, inflammation from
BCG)Dec 13-27 2019: 3 BCG sessions
Feb 20 2020: follow up cysto – CLEAR ( new red areas – tissues taken for biopsy (looks like inflammation but we
are not taken any chances)Mid May 2020: still on 3 mo follow up cysto – to be followed by BCG (3 to 6 not determined yet)
I am blessed to have such a great medical team . As a patient diagnosed with cancer it is however up to me to keep up with my follow ups, take care of my body and keep a positive outlook. Yes, I do go through’down’ days and it is OK . That is when I realize that I was lucky to be diagnosed early and now I can fight this thing.