My Doctor Visit
:) Well, it seems I am going to live YAY! I got to my appointment with minimal anxiety. And the news is good. He will do another cystoscopy in July and remove both small tumors and repair anything the last BUTCHER did to me. He was very upset with the one who did my biopsy and didn’t stop my Plavix long enough. That is why I bled so long and heavy , plus he didn’t cauterize the biopsy site.
He said no tumor has gone through the membrane layer (or something like that) , and though it may recur, the tumors can be removed right away and do not pose a threat to my life. It will most likely have to be examined every 6 months to a year, but not cause any real life threat. I am so happy ( happy as one can be with cancer looming)
I will talk more tomorrow. Right now I am so tired from the stress and the relief , that I will be off to bed VERY early.
Thanks for helping me , and I will be here bright and early. :-*
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