Moving out of the Newly Diagnosed Category
** This thread discusses the content article: Moving out of the Newly Diagnosed Category **
It has been a year and 10 days since I received my fish results. I still don’t know much about CIS, but with my wife’s fantastic support, Uncle Jim’s guidance and second and third opinions along with endless hours of waiting rooms, doc appointments, surgeries, reading and stressing:
Here I am.
I’ve found that time provides the opportunity for acceptance and understanding. I hope someday to be a resource of support for others, as much as everyone here has been an inspiration for me. You have helped me come to terms with my situation, and I consider myself very fortunate to have found your support and guidance. Now that I no longer consider myself “newly diagnosed.” I want to post up a note of gratitude for the help. With your help, over the last 12 months I have:
TURB’d, TURP’d, BCG’d X 6, TURB’d, BCG’d X 3, Cysto’d, and BCG’d X 3
In between all that, I…
went Snowboarding four times
Regularly Longboard the half mile from my car to work
Spent many fantastic hours with my children helping them become strong and mature
Continued endurance Mountain bike racing
Commuted via Bicycle to work (15 miles each way)
Took up Unicylce Basketball
Took up Unicycling on Mountain trails
Started Drawing again
Tried to be a better Husband
Spent three weeks in Northern Europe
Took up Guitar
Spent Many hours with friends and developed new friendships, and COMPLETELY changed my diet for the betterMany of these are very self serving, so over the next 12 months, I resolve to volunteer for two organizations, increase time spent with the kids and post up more with friends in Reality and Virtual Reality. This has been my short Journey so far. With a little luck, good treatment, and a lot of hard work, I sense that my journey will continue, and I hope yours will too.