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  • Metastatic disease progression question

    Posted by kittylee on April 14, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    A little history on my husband, Ron: 9/2004 Dx multiple non-invasive/high grade tumors- TURP and 3 years subsequent of successful BCG tx completed 11/2007. Hematuria returned 6/08 with CT and cysto showing BCG/TURP “scarring” Continued hematuria, weight loss, fatigue then Dx w/metastatic liver and possible lung Bc 9/08. 11/08 – 3/09 chemo tx of Gemzar/Cysplatin well tolerated until Chemo d/c because of dangerously low platelets. Recent post chemo scan shows stable liver disease, healed spine and hip mets, new shoulder met, lung met still undetermined. The only treatment ongoing is infusions of Zometa to help fend off bone mets. He feels and looks great at present.

    I know that no one can tell us what the future will bring. We are trying to plan a few things “while the sun shines”. I realize that his life quality and span have been greatly improved with the chemo tx and now a new chapter opens…..I wonder what the experience has been here as to the rate of progression for metastatic disease post chemo tx has been?

    I am a caregiver to my wonderful husband, Ron
    10/04 Multiple T1G3 – TURBT & 3 yrs BCG –
    9/08 Invasive BLC w/distant mets
    11/08 – 3/09 Gemzar/Cisplatin chemo regimen
    4/09 Radiation to bone mets
    6/09 lung and liver met progression – start ITP chemo
    10/09 My darling Ron passed away
    kittylee replied 15 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • kittylee's avatar


    June 2, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    Since my original posting 6 weeks ago, We have been on a wonderful cruise through the Panama Canal and Carribean. Unfortunately, Ron became sick on the cruise with fever and extreme fatigue. New CT scan results show significant progression of liver and lung disease. He’ll start a new 3 drug chemo regimen tomorrow. So I’m posting to answer my original question to anyone viewing: Ron’s time to progression from original chemo (GC) treatment end was 3 months.

    I am a caregiver to my wonderful husband, Ron
    10/04 Multiple T1G3 – TURBT & 3 yrs BCG –
    9/08 Invasive BLC w/distant mets
    11/08 – 3/09 Gemzar/Cisplatin chemo regimen
    4/09 Radiation to bone mets
    6/09 lung and liver met progression – start ITP chemo
    10/09 My darling Ron passed away
  • mel09's avatar


    April 15, 2009 at 12:49 am

    I can only speak from the experience that my father has had. He had bone mets dx in June 08. Since then he has been on chemo with only brief breaks in between. Whenever he stops, the cancer grows. The chemo seems to keep it at bay but we are wondering how long this will last.

    Thankfully, in your case, your husband is feeling good and that is wonderful!! Are there any plans to continue chemo treatments? There are less toxic forms. Also, I am assuming that he still has his bladder??
    Please keep us posted.


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