Lymph nodes and CT scans
Just thought I’d share an experience…
My husband had his RC just over 2 years a go. His 2 year CT showed “two new prominent nodes”. After discussion with the oncologist and urologist we waited for 2 months to rescan. The new scan showed that the nodes were unchanged which was good news. We have also now discovered that those “new nodes” had been present in all previous scans and unchanged! That of course is even more of a relief! We do, however, have some level of frustration amongst our joy that this was not checked previously, before my husband underwent an unnecessary scan and the extreme worry over the last 2 months. Just thought I’d mention it so that others are aware to ask which and how many scans are being compared to make sure accurate information is given. What concerns me is that this time the error was in our favor, but it may not have been. All in all, very thankful that he is 2 years, 3 months out from diagnosis and doing well!
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