Looking for advice on urinary track infections,,
Hi Forum
It has been quite a while since I have posted.
I have learned quite awhile back that there is always someone worst off so I do my best to keep my complaints to myself and rather spend my time keeping a more positive frame of mind,
With that said..I bring you my concerns..
Most of you who know me know that I have had an RC as recent as 8 months ago. All seemed to be going well than I somehow picked up another primary cancer in my throat. I started 33 treatments of radiation and 3 chemo on June 4 and have them all completed…not a fun couple of months.
Now to my current situation. In order to help out with my throat cancer recovery I decided to rent a nice cottage at the oceans edge on PEI and just take it easy..rest..practice eating again..some walks ..swimming and familY.
The first week with my daughter and grandson were perfect. My partner arrived thursday nite than hell starts to break loose In the wee hours of the morning I start getting some bad running across my lower back that over a few hour period turn into pains that are way off the scale. My sweetheart begins her vacation driving me off to the local hospital emerg while I’ m doubled over in pain thinking I have kidney stone. When in emerg after begging for morphine and getting it things calmed down but some agonies did not go way, Normally with a stone you get your fix, rest a couple of hours than away you go home. Not the case here. In a couple of hours I start up with pains again than remember something MMC wrote about and asked the nurse to ultrasound my bladder. They discover I’m holding 1100cc! My first in/out catheter removes most of it. Thinking I’m in the clear I send Mary-Jo out for lunch to give her a break. When she comes back I’m in a full blown fever state and admitted. Over the next period they are all panicked as my fever goes as high as 40.9c or 105.5f. I spend the next 5 days in hospital on a cypro and other various IV’s. They also put in a foley for 48 hours than pulled it 2 days ago to see if I can work on my own.
Here is my problem..I am working but very little. I have to work real hard to produce small amounts. I know by the feeling in me that I’m not voiding enough regularily.
I went to a supplier yesterday and picked up all the self cath supplies and actually did my first self cath off the back of my SUV pulled off the road and in the corner of a potato field..(quite a vacation so far). I was successful. Later last nite prior to bed I repeated the procedure and was able to get out another 525cc.
My purpose for writing this lenghty chronalogy of events is to hopefully get reponses from some of you who would share an experience on what to expect with this tract infection eg. is it common to still have a difficulty voiding 3 days post foley removal..how long should I expect before voiding becomes normal again. Could I have stretched my neo and will alwyas require slf cathing? Safe tips on cathing. Do I fly home…cancel my vacation to visit with my surgeon?
I am open for any advice or suggestions I can get!Thank you in advance..Eddie